The Origins of White Moon Selena

White Moon Selena is a ‘hypothetical second moon’ that moves around the Earth in a perfectly circular and precise seven year orbit. It is this precise quality that makes it impossible to exist in physical reality. Johannes Kepler established in his first two Laws of Planetary Motion in 1609 that a planet’s orbit has to be irregular and elliptical due to the effects of multiple gravity sources in the Solar System.

The number seven has long been established as a number with some very special qualities. The 7 Chakras, 7 musical notes, 7 deadly sins, 7 sacraments, Buddha’s 7 steps to enlightenment and, of course, the 7 planets in classical astrology.

White Moon Selena has its origins in Russian Astrology, first put forward in the 1980s by Russia’s most famous astrologer, Pavel Globa. It is based on the Zoroastrian principle of the Point of Eternity, a combination of the three finite times of the present, the past and the future (represented in astrology by Black moon Lilith and the two Nodes). 

As this Point of Eternity acts as a gateway to a Spiritual realm, White Moon Selena becomes not merely a ‘hypothetical’ moon, but in fact a Spiritual Moon; the essence of the Goddess Selene. She shines over the spiritual dimensions with Her light influence beaming through the portal, the Point of Eternity, orbiting our Earth.

So White Moon Selena is both perfect and physically non-existent and this is the nature of its divine astrological influence. 

White Moon Selena has the quality of aspiring to perfection. But crucially, this point of perfection might never be found or might not even be possible for us to achieve. A lifetime of aspiration towards perfection, and constant failure to achieve it. 

Imagine a mountain on a shoreline. There might be an infinite number of places to stand but only one spot on this whole mountain that offers the perfect view of the perfect sunset. Seeking White Moon Selena is spending a lifetime walking around the mountain trying to find that perfect vantage point.

But not to be negative about it, even if you never achieve your perfect highest aspirations, your divine self, there’s a lot you can learn and achieve in the journey. White Moon Selena provides the directions to start you off on that journey.

After all, as Mick Jagger said, “You can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometime, you might just find, you get what you need!”

Look to the sign, house and ruling planet of your natal White Moon Selena sign to see which part of your life holds the path to your highest aspirations and how you experience the journey along this path.

As we move through life, we find our highest aspirations will grow and evolve with us. They change, not so much in their direction, but in their emphasis. Someone with White Moon Selena in 10th House Capricorn is likely always going to have a highest aspiration related to career status, but our careers are likely to shift over our lifetimes and how we define success will shift with them. 

The time to reevaluate or rededicate our highest aspirations is on the Selena Return date, when transiting White Moon Selena is in conjunction with your natal placement. Due to White Moon Selena’s precise orbit, this happens every seventh birthday (give or take a day, due to irregular year lengths). We can find clues into what direction our aspirations could take in this next White Moon Selena orbit by looking at what Planets are in aspect to White Moon Selena at the moment of the transit.