What is my White Moon Selena sign?

Use this widget below to generate a personal birth chart that includes your White Moon Selena Sign and House number.

Enter your birthday, with your time of birth (if you know it) and the place, then click ‘Apply’. This will reveal your full birth chart where you can read off your White Moon Selena Sign and, if you knew your time of birth, its House. You can see this either in the chart or in the table below it.

In the example above, you can see that at the time of birth, this person’s White Moon Selena was in the Sign of Cancer and in the 12th House.

In the table to the right of the chart, titled ‘Aspects’ you can see if there are any Planets in aspect to your White Moon Selena. Click on each item in the table to see a pop-up window with more detail.

In this example, above, you can see that White Moon Selena is in conjunction with the Sun.