White Moon Selena through the Signs

This is a short overview of the influence of White Moon Selena within each of the Signs. See the book Heaven’s Moon for a more detailed examination of White Moon Selena in each of the Signs, Houses and in aspect to each of the major Planets. Or you could book a personal consultation with me.


You are able to see the route to your highest aspirations with pinpoint clarity, shining with the intensity of the full Moon.

They are the gold medal at the finish line or the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

This vision of where you could be can lead to making adverse comparisons to where you actually are. You are still the vulnerable green shoot of spring looking ahead at the magnificent bloom of Summer. But courage is only worth anything when you are vulnerable.
The power of Aries gives you that daring to believe that it is a prize that it is possible to win.


White Moon Selena in Taurus is your quest for a comfortable, beautiful life. Money, luxury and love are important to Taurus, but they are the means, not the end. Money will buy you that soft

sofa to sink into; luxury is the artwork you surround yourself with to satisfy your need to gaze on beauty; love brings you the soul-mate to satisfy your need for family, companionship, and a warm cuddle on a cold night.

With your White Moon Selena in Taurus you are apt to be drawn to the ideal of perfect and harmonious beauty and everything you need to obtain
to make it real.


Geminis make natural journalists and gossips. And the highest aspiration of any journalist is the ‘scoop’; to be the first to learn some new exiting piece of information and revealing it before anyone else.

This is the role of White Moon Selena in Gemini. The highest aspirations of illumination and revelation; to achieve the ultimate ‘scoop’; to learn something new; to receive or uncover a ‘divine revelation’ of knowledge that nobody else has ever heard of or thought of before. And when you reveal it, you dream it could change the world as we know it.


Cancer’s reflective shell hides what goes on within you while showing the viewer a reflection; being what they want you to be.

The highest aspiration of White Moon Selena in Cancer is to be everything to everyone.
You want to “have it all”.
You can be a devoted spouse, be a nurturing parent, pillar of the community, and hold down a full time job at the same time.
You can be everything the glossy magazines said you should be. 

And none of this will ever touch the real you behind your protective shell, coping with the shifting, turbulent depths of your own emotional wellbeing.


White Moon Selena brings a sense of freedom to release the inner self. You might be proud of your divine self or you might be ashamed of it, but you certainly can’t hide it.
You are a fully awake true consciousness from the core, right up to the surface.

The indestructible Lion is the external representation of the true self within. White Moon Selena’s Lion cannot be shaken out of its belief in its own self-image. True belief in one’s own self-image allows for tremendous powers of manifestation.
Its power is to shine and every day is one long affirmation.


White Moon Selena supercharges the Virgo drive for purity and perfection, to the point where you want to be the best there is in what you do.

You don’t do it for applause or for money, love or success. Your work, in whatever form it takes, must be of use to society and the world as a whole.
And your push to be the best, the most ideal representative of your chosen pursuit or profession, is in service to that most pure of ideals, a responsibility to be a positive force in this world.


The highest aspiration of White Moon Selena in Libra is to create peace and harmony by whatever means possible; to seek the complete eradication of any conflict such that all is at rest.

More than just a straightforward work/life balance, the impact of White Moon Selena in Libra is to have everything in the mix; to assimilate every experience that life has to offer and blend
them all into a melting pot. 

Love life, career, self-care regime, leisure, family, parenting; none of these are to be compartmentalised to you. They all blend into one fulfilling, harmonious life.


With White Moon Selena in Scorpio, your highest aspiration is to truly know yourself; to find and understand your true core. You will seek to uncover and reconcile every past trauma, major and minor, and examine every future goal to ascertain its worthiness. Only then can you truly begin to understand what lies beneath the surface of the whole world around you. 

White Moon Selena in Scorpio looks under every rock to see what is crawling about under there. The surface of anything is a barrier to be breached.

The darkness hides a secret truth and White Moon Selena will not tolerate darkness;
it must be illuminated.


White Moon Selena in Sagittarius brings a need for evolution.

The highest aspiration in this Sign in is to transform yourself; to always believe you can do better and be better. An ongoing desire to reinvent yourself and effectively become a new person. Like suddenly feeling a need to quit your job, leave your spouse and go live in an Ashram.

Life becomes a pilgrimage to your own personal equivalent of Nirvana, when there will be no more desire because you will ultimately have experienced and understood everything. And you

believe that every step on this journey will change you.


Purity of purpose and integrity is inherent in the qualities of White Moon Selena in Capricorn.
You are the epitome of ‘what you see is what you get’.

Whatever your calling is. It could be in career, in service, in learning, as a homemaker or as a rebel with a cause.
With White Moon Selena in Capricorn, you will strive to succeed and be the best
in what you seek to do.

Not for the rewards it gives but because you truly believe to your core, within the very roots of your soul that it is the right thing for you to do.


Aquarians need to be free to do their own thing in their own way, thinking their own thoughts and feeling their own truths. 

White Moon Selena in Aquarius brings highest aspirations that are unique and defy categorisation. You will have no ambitions to climb the career ladder, be the highest rank or the best whatever.

You will want to do or be something that nobody has ever done before or would never even think of doing. It might involve inventing a whole new medium of art; or finding a hitherto undiscovered niche of self-employed career.


To have White Moon Selena in Pisces is to be ‘living the dream’. You thoroughly embrace the fantasies of your dream life.

You will see your highest aspiration, your divine self, and quite naturally have the ability to see yourself in that divine form. And you have a faith that this inner self can naturally exist in the outer world too.

Believing that the world sees you in the same idealised way you see yourself gives you the aura of confidence and success. Ultimately, if you believe wholeheartedly in your highest divine dream self then the world around you will perceive it and believe it too.